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  • Årsrapport 2023

    Trods et udfordrende år med svære vilkår for M&Amarkedet er vi meget stolte over at ende 2023 med en omsætning på DKK 163 mio. og et resultat før skat på DKK 89 mio. Et forventeligt fald fra rekordårene 2021 og 2022, men stadig det tredjehøjeste omsætningsniveau i selskabets levetid.

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  • Debt Advisory 2024 Lender Survey

    Clearwater International’s Debt Advisory team surveyed 58 lenders to determine changes in the European leveraged finance market.

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  • Forsigtig 2024-optimisme efter et begivenhedsrigt år i M&A

    Her lidt inde i det nye år kan vi se tilbage på et 2023, hvor M&A-markedet blev præget af den usikkerhed, vi tog med ind i året. Geopolitisk uro, recessionsfrygt, høj inflation og centralbanker, der gjorde brug af rentehammeren, var de vigtigste temaer året igennem.

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  • Automotive Newsletter Q4 2023

    Throughout Q4 2023, a price reduction of automotive-relevant raw materials could be observed, compared to the peak. The current environment remains challenging, especially for medium-sized suppliers, due to price increases, shortage of skilled labour, and other issues such as high inflation and increasing refinancing costs.

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  • Automotive Newsletter Q3 2023

    Throughout Q3 2023, European OEMs and suppliers have continued to grapple with the persistent burden of cost pressures and substantial investments, impacting profit margins and liquidity.

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  • The brave new world for SaaS

    Following a tumultuous year in the capital markets for SaaS businesses, with macroeconomic headwinds driving a reset of operating models and valuations, expectations around ‘what good looks like’ for SaaS have altered substantially over the last 12 months.

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  • Dental Clearview 2023

    The UK Dental Clearview 2023 analyses the dental services M&A market across the UK and Europe which has returned to pre-pandemic levels, demonstrating the resilience of the sector and reflecting the ‘U-shaped recovery’, which Clearwater International anticipated in its dental market report published in 2021.

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  • Automotive Newsletter Q2 2023

    The European automotive market is subject to opposing developments, on the one hand, the pressures on supply chains, and the availability of preliminary products and raw materials are easing however, on the other hand, the lower pre-COVID-19 cost level is looking unattainable.

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  • Automotive Sustainability and Circularity Clearthought

    The need to make the industry more sustainable and circular has become a huge focus of activity.

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  • Årsrapport 2022

    I vores årsrapport kan du naturligvis læse vores regnskab. Du kan også få indsigt i de tendenser og faktorer, der har domineret M&A-markedet i 2022 og læse vores historie og de aktiviteter, der har været gennemgående i Clearwater i året, der gik.

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  • Automotive Newsletter Q1 2023

    Recent reports from the automotive industry have shown positive signals regarding production and sales expectations for 2023, due to the improving but still ongoing semiconductor supply chain issues.

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  • EMS Newsletter Spring 2023

    The market size of the European E(D)MS industry has grown by 15%, reaching a total volume of €48bn by the end of 2022.

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